Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

make a PNG picture using Ms. Power Point

i know that all of you have known about this. but i keep to share with the others.. hhe...
yapz! i believe that you know about PNG pictures. By its portable format (transparent background), it can apply into other picture to joinning.

it is so simple to make PNGs. for the great effect and performance, you can use Ms. Power Point 2007 or 2010 series.

let's begin!

SG Wannabe's clips - The Great stories

i love kpop so much and also the korean dramas. My favourie band is SG Wannabe's songs. of course that i couldn't understand what the meaning of the songs at all, because have being learned the hangul (korean language) by otodidac at this time..

but, while i am listening the songs, i feel there are deep meanings of love. so that i tried to search the story behind its songs... What a great story!

so that, i collected them and share with you as same as korean lover. hope you will be satisfied with this...

the following videos are the most great stories on its videos which are arranged by each sequence (source : youtube)...

watch it out!

Financial Statement Analysis - Analisa Laporan Keuangan

Financial statement analysis (analisis laporan keuangan) didefinisikan sebagai proses identifikasi financial strengths dan weaknesses dari perusahaan dengan benar membangun hubungan antara item dari balance sheet dan profit and loss account.

Ada berbagai metode atau teknik yang digunakan dalam menganalisis laporan keuangan, seperti comparative statements, schedule of changes in working capital, common size percentages, funds analysis, trend analysis, and ratios analysis

Tahapan Sengketa Tata Usaha Negara

ehm ehm... ni dia rangkaian tahapan sengketa PTUN...

tabel alur sengketa Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara

Matriks Kewenangan Pejabat Yang Menghukum - Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara

Pejabat PTUN ga boleh juga seenaknya menghukum bawahan yang melanggar disiplin Pegawai Negeri. Nah, pelajari nih matriksnya, klo emang terjadi kesewenang-wenangan, silakan ajukan ke Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara. BRANTAS Penyelewengan! 

Peraturan Pemerintah No 53 Tahun 2010
Tentang Disiplin Pegawai Negeri Sipil

be a layouter


bikin design emang sangat mengasyikkan...

seperti design logo di samping ini!

terkadang iri juga ngliat orang-orang yang jago design. bikin poster, bikin spanduk, bikin logo ato bikin apapun yang mampu menyedot perhatian. lewat permainan gradasi warna, kurva-kurva shape yang lucu dan masih banyak lagi yang bisa memikat mata untuk senang melihat. terkadang konten kurang berarti. Namun jika dibawakan dengan performance yang "apik", tetap saja ada rasa kepuasan tersendiri...

Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Filosofi Charles Schulz

Anda tdk perlu menjawab smua pertanyaan, bacalah dan dapatkan pesan berharga.
1. Nama 5 org terkaya didunia
2. Nama 5 pemenang tropy
3. Nama 5 miss america terakhir
4. Nama 5 org pemenang nobel
5. Name 5 org pemenang Academy Award